Friday, April 29, 2005

don't panic

not much blogging recently... plenty going on, just get distracted when i think about putting together an entry or blogger blows up when i try to log in.

training has switched from base to build so i've been doing a couple of hard rides a week and attacking the hills more on my weekend road rides. managed mountain bike rides tuesday and thursday at wakefield with an easy/recovery spin at schaeffer on wednesday so my legs are hurting today. i've been trying to do my hard rides on dirt, but i think i'll switch some of them to the road...

hitchhikers guide to the galaxy opens tonight... hope it lives up to the book. from what i've heard they stuck pretty closely to the screenplay that douglas adams wrote before he died, and the casting looks good, so i'm hopeful... meeting some people after work to go see it.

heading up to greenbrier on sunday with the (un)usual crew to get a last look at the course before next weekends race. i want to take another crack at the red-trail climb to see if i can make up the whole way on my bike rather than having to get off and push.

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